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  • Writer's pictureMatt John

The Next Chapter

Hail Rogues,

Welcome to our brand new website! We old fossils still have a few tricks up our sleeves, and it was high time we used them. Hell, we've even got a mailing list! How's that for 21st Century promotion? Please do sign up. We won't spam you; we promise, but we can't have you missing out on all the cool things we're cooking up!

First, I must take a moment to thank all our listeners, supporters, customers and those who share our links, helping us promote on socials. The Rogues in the House Podcast and its affiliated materials, such as the 'A Book of Blades' series remain a friendly, non-gatekeepery standard under which so much sword-and-sorcery, heroic fantasy, and cosmic horror thrive. Thanks for listening, reading, buying, and giving a general crap about this stuff.

Next, I will be at GenCon next Thursday (August 3rd) through Sunday, playing games, shaking hands, and speaking about S&S at the Writers' Symposium. Drop us a line if you're going to be around and you'd like to meet up. I'll also be running a few games of the next Conan RPG (the one I'm developing for Monolith), and I'll be doing it guerilla style. Crom knows in what murky dens or ghost-haunted halls we may be tossing our dice.

For now, May Your Swords Always Remain Sharp

-Matt John


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